Religious education

AS Level religious studies the Cosmological argument notes
This contains everything you need to know about the Cosmological for the Edexcel AS/A Level religious studies (2016) specification. Includes info about it’s key features, causation, the Kalem argument, the 1st 2nd and 3rd ways as well as scholars like Leibniz and Copleston.

AS Level religious studies the Cosmological argument criticisms and support
This document contains the thoughts of key scholars about the Cosmological argument, for example Hume, Russell and William Lane Craig. Also conatins weaknesses specific to Aquinas’s version of the Cosmological and a conclusion.

Natural Moral Law (AS/A Level religious studies) - AQUINAS
This handy fact sheet tells students everything they need to know about Aquinas’s version of NML, as per the Edexcel RS AS Level specification. Great for revision! Also includes a FREE copy of an introduction to Natural Moral Law, to help students get their heads around the topic.

Islam - the five pillars of Islam 5 (AS/A Level religious studies)
These summary sheets tell Edexcel AS Level students everything they need to know about the 5 pillars of Islam - Shahadah, Salah, Saum, Zakat and Hajj. Includes tables, bullet points and diagrams.

A Level religious studies religious experience notes
These 4 handy documents ask whether or not it is meaningful to talk about religious experience, as well as whether or not religious experiences can ever prove the existence of God. Also addresses the different types of religious experiences and scholars who support and criticise them (E.g. Swinburne, Tillich, Buber and Smart).

A Level religious studies Islam - akirah (life after death and Judgement Day)
This handy revision sheet (in a Cornell notes-style) lays out all the basic points for evaluation as well as key facts, a summary and information about akirah.

A Level religious studies the Teleological arguments
This handy set of highlighted notes explains the 5 teleological arguments simplistically. It includes Aquinas, Paley, FR Tennant, Richard Swinburne and Michael Behe and the Washington Institute. Notes are highlighted for useful key terms which will help students learn faster!

A Level religious studies Islam - Tawhid (the nature of God)
This useful revision guide simplifies Tawhid, including information on Shirk and the 99 beautiful names of God. It includes highlighted key terms to help students learn information faster and a useful summary box at the end.

A Level religious studies Islam Prophethood (nabuwwa/risallah)
This useful resource contains information about the main prophets including Jibrail and Muhammad. Great for revision and there are keywords highlighted to help students learn fast! Also includes a summary and interesting fact.

A Level religious studies Islam - Al Qad'r (predestination, 6 beliefs)
This handy revision sheet (in a Cornell notes-style) lays out all the basic points for evaluation as well as key facts, a summary and information about al qad’r.

A Level religious studies Revelation of scriptures (kutubullah) Islam
This resource uses a cornell notes-style template to present information about the 4th of the 6 Islamic beliefs - Kutubullah (or revelation of the Scriptures). This handy revision tool includes information about the Qur’an, including useful definitions and clear knowledge. Also includes a summary at the bottom and highlighted key words and phrases.

AS Level RS - summary of the six beliefs (Islam)
This sheet gives a summary on Tawhid, Risallah, Malaika, al-qadr, akirah and Kutubullah. Includes 4 key points for evaluation.

A Level religious studies Islam - Angels (mala'ika)
A handy revision tool outlining everything about angels in Islam - including Jibrail and a brief summary of what angels are like. Includes quotes from scholars and highlighted key terms to help students learn faster!

A Level religious studies The Ontological arguments
This helpful fact sheet will guide students through St. Anselm’s Ontological argument as well as its critics and weaknesses. Also includes Descartes, Hume and Aquinas. Highlighted key terms are also included to help students learn faster.

AS Level religious studies - evil and suffering (Edexcel)
These 3 resources prove valuable in teaching as well as revision for students. They answer 3 key themes surrounding evil and suffering: Does evil and suffering exist?, Theodicies and solutions to the problem of evil and suffering and does evil have a prupose? Inclusing Process, Irenaean and Augustinian theodicies, as well as quotes from famous scholars and philosophers like Spinoza, Leibniz and Plantinga. Gives all the key information, and more detailed notes, about this topic.

Historical background to Islam and pre-Islamic Arabia
Notes for AS Level Religious Studies (Edexcel) that covers the Islam topic. Includes: the historical, political, religious, cultural and economic background to pre-Islamic Arabia (e.g. the Quareysh tribe, Bedouin, the Kaaba, etc.) as well as a timeline of Muhammad’s life (from birth to death - including the Night of Power, the Night Journey, Medinah/Makkah, the major battles and his final sermon).

A Level religious studies (Islam) - the 6 beliefs
This bundle contains a summary of the six beliefs in Islam, as well as individual pages of “Cornell notes”, which go into greater depth about each belief. Specifically designed for the Edexcel Religious studies (2016) course for AS/A Level. A brilliant revision tool.